Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I will Kill Pugs

Recently (just yesterday) I started something. I will not take the original credit for it as it was piggybacked off of an idea while I was listening to "Essence of RP." I do not RP in any way, but I do enjoy listening to people who are amusing when I am playing WoW. /nod to Farseer and Kexman.

The idea is this: A channel which is used by members of said channel to create a community of people in said channel by which means groups of high quality can be formed without aforementioned channel hindering any social interactions with others.

Basically, a place where good players can invite other good players to join them. This way creating a community of good players that any of the good players can use to make groups of good players making their time spent in game more good.

In my wildest dreams I can see this changing the server forever. It could be a cloud city where people of great talent could come together and find people to play with. Not restricted by guild boundaries and the drama those create. A perfect world where the titans of the realm could reign down on the evils in dungeons and raids without having to leave because their friend made the guild.

I will attempt to keep this blog updated on the project, even if it only turns out this is a blog that only I will end up reading.

Thought of the day:
Hmm... I'm truly a strange person.

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