Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Strict or Disciplined?

As a continuation of my Matter of Class question I have decided to create several posts on the people behind the Characters. First I will start with something I know well. Discipline Priests

Small note: I play a Disc Priest, but I am trying to leave my personality out of this and just see what develops.

The Basics.

A Discipline Priest is a true force of healing beauty in WoW. They are prided on their ability to bring solid buffs to the raid, at least for casters, and their powerful damage mitigation. Traditionally the spec for PvP, Disc healing in PvE content has become more common if not a staple in high end content. Disc Priests focus on faster healing output with a focus on Crits as well as their trademark mitigation with Shields.

The Mindset

The person behind a Discipline Priest is a person who tries to look out for people. They enjoy being in groups of friends and participating in anything competitive. They are most enjoying themselves however when they need to come to the aid or defense of another. They aren't the type to openly attack whoever is attacking their friend, but try to help their friend through a variety of means. If all else fails they do have the option of helping in an attack as well.

The Fighting style.

A Priest's first Job is to prevent any more damage to occur when they notice their friend being attacked. They have many skills to help prevent this, but one in particular is most dependable. After they are sure their friend is bolstered they may assist by attacking the enemy as many of their abilities to defend are also their favorite attacks as well. The best thing about a Disc Priest is that they never back down. As long as their friend is being attacked it only refuels them more.

All in all a Disc Priest is a good friend and confidant, however they can also make formidable enemies. Make sure you are friends with them because they can also have double personalities and you wouldn't want to be on the wrong end. A Disc Priest is a person you can depend on when the going gets rough and they are fans of all kinds of combat.

Thought of the day:
Happy Easter

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Matters of Class

So I've been realizing I've lost most of my imagination recently. I decided upon an exercise to help myself and others gain some of it back.

Close your eyes, but continue reading. I know this is hard, but DO IT. Closing your eyes is the only way to really be able to immerse yourself into the world we are about to enter, void out all other stimuli.

Imagine yourself. I mean your real self. See your hands in front of you.

We are going somewhere new but familiar. Look at the ground. See the dark rocks underneath your feet. The alien soil should remind you of somewhere. See the dust that drifts across it from the green lava glowing nearby. See the large piglike beasts stomping about in front of you. Truly watch them sniff around looking for some small morsel of food in this forsaken ground. You are in Shadowmoon Valley.

Pan the landscape now; see what you will. Look at the people around you. On one side Orcs and Tauren fighting off attacking Infernals with the assistance of Bloodelves Undead and Trolls. On the other side you see Humans, Dwarves, Draenei, Gnomes, and Nightelves fighting off the same enemy. Watch the force in their blows, see the power behind every move. Which side calls to you for assistance? Which side sneers at you in contempt?

Go to them! They need your help! Grab your weapon! What is your weapon? How do you fight with it? Did you just run to intercept the attacker, warding off your team so they can get away from its blows? Did you summon all of your energy and hope to rally your team, giving them the power to fight on? Did you lower your head and dive headlong into your enemy, hoping only to kill him before your friends die?

Who are you?

Take a minute and really picture this.

I mean really think about it.

For a friend of mine this truly changed his idea of what class he should be playing. This exercise may give you an idea about your inner self. I know that when I did this exercise I realized that I was in the correct role. I am a person who likes to be helpful in a direct manner, to heal my friends in a way. I like to be leaned upon and being able to be a shoulder to cry on. I play a Priest in WoW. In the real world I play a Friend of the Hugging spec, with my extra points in Understanding. There are so many other ways to be a Friend, but this is how I play it. I like to think I'm a hybrid, but Hugging will always be my Main spec.

I have decided to write posts on what types of people I see when I look at someone's toon. Stick around. Maybe you will find yourself in a different spec, or a different class altogether.

Most of all, as my Mother refuses to let my brothers and I forget from one of the Wisest of all Disney moments.

"Remember Who You Are"

I will Kill Pugs

Recently (just yesterday) I started something. I will not take the original credit for it as it was piggybacked off of an idea while I was listening to "Essence of RP." I do not RP in any way, but I do enjoy listening to people who are amusing when I am playing WoW. /nod to Farseer and Kexman.

The idea is this: A channel which is used by members of said channel to create a community of people in said channel by which means groups of high quality can be formed without aforementioned channel hindering any social interactions with others.

Basically, a place where good players can invite other good players to join them. This way creating a community of good players that any of the good players can use to make groups of good players making their time spent in game more good.

In my wildest dreams I can see this changing the server forever. It could be a cloud city where people of great talent could come together and find people to play with. Not restricted by guild boundaries and the drama those create. A perfect world where the titans of the realm could reign down on the evils in dungeons and raids without having to leave because their friend made the guild.

I will attempt to keep this blog updated on the project, even if it only turns out this is a blog that only I will end up reading.

Thought of the day:
Hmm... I'm truly a strange person.

How to start a blog... hmmm...

I am a Geek

for frame of reference:

a Nerd studies a lot,
a Dork dresses funny,
a Geek loves tech,

I am a Christian

not Bible beating,
not Soapboxing,
not trying to convert from here

I have a life

Full time job,
Part time school,
Full time family

I'm a Procrastinator
I'm Extrovertly Loving and Introvertly Fighting
I'm a night person

I love Math/Science
I love Music
I love Changing my view of things
I enjoy writing
I enjoy WoW
I enjoy reading about WoW
I'm attempting to write about WoW

I hope to always be a kid inside.